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Elite Reviewer Spotlight: Mary Forte

JBJS is pleased to highlight our Elite Reviewers. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts. All JBJS reviewers help us maintain the highest standards for quality orthopaedic publishing.

Name: Mary L. Forte, PhD, DC

Affiliation: University of Minnesota, School of Public Health (primary), and Northwestern Health Sciences University

Years in practice: I practiced chiropractic for 19 years, and nursing (RN) prior to that. I’ve been working as a PhD in health services research since 2009.

How did you begin reviewing for other journals and for JBJS in particular?

I was electronically invited to review an article for JBJS that was in my area of expertise. I had reviewed for several other journals prior to that, one of which was an orthopedic journal.

What is your top piece of advice for those reviewers who aspire to reach Elite status?

Keep your reviewer profile for Unavailable Dates current, especially when unforeseen life events come up. My reviews have been delayed when I have forgotten to change my availability promptly.

Aside from orthopaedic manuscripts, what have you been reading lately?

Varies and is free-time dependent.

Learn more about the JBJS Elite Reviewers program.

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