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Elite Reviewer Spotlight: Edward Joseph Harvey

Edward Joseph Harvey

JBJS is pleased once again to highlight our Elite Reviewers. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts. All JBJS reviewers help us maintain the highest standards for quality orthopaedic publishing.


Edward J. Harvey, MD, MSc, FRCSC


McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada

Years in practice: 24

How did you begin reviewing for other journals and for JBJS in particular?

I was offered the opportunity to review after several submissions – most of them unsuccessful LOL – and was happy to contribute to the community.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?

I have always balanced my clinical work and research. But I prioritize my family and recreation as an equal time partner in order to prevent work overload. This means saying no sometimes.

Aside from orthopaedic manuscripts, what have you been reading lately?

Tons of business books – reading Built to Last right now and just finished Barking up the Wrong Tree.

Learn more about the JBJS Elite Reviewers program.

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