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Elite Reviewer Spotlight: Dirk Jan F. Moojen

Dirk Jan F. Moojen

JBJS is pleased once again to highlight our Elite Reviewers. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts. All JBJS reviewers help us maintain the highest standards for quality orthopaedic publishing.


Dirk Jan F. Moojen, MD, PhD


Department of Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery, OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Years in practice: 

Just over 8 years as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon.

How did you begin reviewing for other journals and for JBJS in particular?

After the defense of my PhD thesis on implant related infections in 2010, I was invited by Tom Bauer to become a JBJS reviewer. Starting off with little reviewing experience, this grew over time, as well as the number of JBJS editors that send me invitations.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?

This is one of the hardest things to do since work often asks for so much attention. In recent years I have enjoyed being field hockey and soccer coach for my daughters and son and picked up playing tennis (with the entire family) and cycling again after several years of being “too busy” with work. What also works good for me is fully turning off my work email during vacations. Even if it’s 3 weeks. Most urgent issues have already been resolved when you come back.

Aside from orthopaedic manuscripts, what have you been reading lately?

One of the last books I read was Revolusi: Indonesia and the Birth of the Modern World, a book from the Belgian historian, archeologist, and writer David van Reybrouck about the struggle for independence in Indonesia in the 40s and the effect this had on the entire world. Highly recommend, English translation coming up!

Learn more about the JBJS Elite Reviewers program.

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