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Defining Success in an Orthopaedic Career

Warren WI for OBuzzThe December 6, 2017 issue of JBJS contains another in a series of “What’s Important” personal essays from orthopaedic clinicians. This “What’s Important” article comes from Dr. Steven B. Warren.

Dr. Warren ponders whether his decision to jettison an “academic pedigree” in favor of a private practice in western Florida was a good career choice. In answering that question with a resounding “yes,” Dr. Warren’s essay reminds readers that the definition of “success” is intensely personal. In his case, what matters most is being a solid orthopaedic diagnostician and surgeon, a loving father and husband, a philanthropist, and a respected member of his religious and secular communities.

If you would like JBJS to consider your “What’s Important” story for publication, please submit a manuscript via Editorial Manager. When asked to select an article type, please choose Orthopaedic Forum and include “What’s Important:” at the beginning of the title.

Because they are personal in nature, “What’s Important” submissions will not be subject to the usual stringent JBJS peer-review process. Instead, they will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief, who will correspond with the author if revisions are necessary and make the final decision regarding acceptance.

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