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JBJS OA Participates in Research4Life Program

JBJS Open Access (JBJS OA) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal from the publishers of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. The mission of this continuously published online journal is to provide a steady flow of comprehensive, objective, and evidence-based basic-science and clinical studies that have the potential to impact orthopaedic care worldwide.

JBJS OA welcomes original articles that contribute to orthopaedic knowledge from all sources in all countries, with the goal of improving the quality of care of orthopaedic patients. To this end, JBJS OA is pleased to participate in the Research4Life waiver program and offers full or partial equitable waivers for accepted articles from low-income and middle-income economies. Eligibility is based on the Research4Life eligibility criteria, which can be found here. Countries listed in Group A are eligible for the full waiver and countries listed in Group B are eligible for the partial (50%) waiver. The waiver is automatically applied based on the Corresponding Author’s country information provided during submission.

For more information about JBJS OA submission guidelines and author instructions, please visit the JBJS OA Author Resource Center.

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