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Risk Factors for Delayed Management of Open Tibial Fractures in Tanzania

In a recent report in JBJS, Holler et al. investigated risk factors for delayed management of open tibial fractures in Tanzania. As the authors note, musculoskeletal injuries are a leading cause of disability globally, and they disproportionately affect people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Open tibial fractures are associated with high complication rates and poor long-term quality of life for individuals in LMICs. Access the report here. 

Reflecting on their study, the authors say: 

“Our study’s findings demonstrate that prehospital network and socioeconomic characteristics are associated with delays to open tibial fracture care in Tanzania. Reducing interfacility referrals and implementing surgical cost-reduction strategies may help to reduce delays to open fracture care in LMICs. We believe that this work substantially contributes to a growing body of research aimed at improving global musculoskeletal care.” 

Click here for the full JBJS report. 


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