Keeping you up-to-date with orthopaedic news.
OrthoBuzz is a blog from the publishers of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, one of the most trusted names in orthopaedics. The OrthoBuzz mission is to efficiently inform readers about developments in orthopaedics that affect the day-to-day practice. In addition to the blog, we publish the monthly OrthoBuzz complimentary e-mail newsletters.
OrthoBuzz is especially curated for the orthopaedic community. This site, and each monthly e-mail, contains snippets of information from a variety of sources, with links to more in-depth descriptions, to help you stay up-to-date. They include features such as:
Editor’s Choice: The Editor-in-Chief of JBJS provides a summary of an interesting or important recently published article.
Practice Trends and Tips: Tips and tidbits about what’s happening in the field of orthopaedics that can help you with your day-to-day practice.
Need to Know: Science and medicine are always changing quickly and the speed of technology means that the information spreads even faster. Need to Know is a way to stay on top of what’s happening now.
We invite readers to comment and provide feedback on this content. Questions can be emailed to info@jbjs.org.
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