JBJS Reviewers are key to The Journal’s ability to publish the highest quality of evidence-based information, to advance research, and to enhance the quality of care for orthopaedic patients. The JBJS Elite Reviewers Program publicly recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts. We hope that the Program and its reviewer benefits will encourage all reviewers to aspire to meet the program requirements.
Reviewers who review 4 or more manuscripts per year, rarely decline an invitation to review a manuscript (responding within 48 hours), and complete highly graded reviews within 1 week are eligible for the program. Elite Reviewers receive the following benefits in recognition of their exemplary performance:
- No submission fees for papers of which the reviewer is the first author (for 12 months)
- Free CME credits for all reviews
- Free online access to all JBJS publications
- A letter to the reviewer’s department head from JBJS Editor-in-Chief, Marc Swiontkowski, MD, recognizing and commending his/her good work
- Name recognition on the JBJS Elite Reviewers Program Web page and on the masthead of The Journal
For JBJS Consultant Reviewer Guidelines, visit http://bit.ly/2cWvYvc.
To learn how you can be a better reviewer visit http://bit.ly/2cRt1hY.
Here is the current list of JBJS Elite Reviewers: