In many orthopaedic contexts, post-procedure stiffness is a complication to be avoided. But when it comes to reconstructing the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) to treat
Author: OrthoBuzz for Surgeons
For its 2016 survey of physician compensation, Medscape received information from more than 19,000 physicians across 26 specialties. Orthopaedists again topped the list this year
Most orthopaedic devices are cleared through the FDA’s 510(k) process. But an analysis in the March 16, 2016 JBJS by Day et al. revealed that
It is well known that parenterally administered steroids affect the metabolism of glucose and cause abnormal blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. For this reason,
Last week, The Boston Globe reported that Martha Murray, MD, an orthopaedist at Boston Children’s Hospital, had announced results from the Phase 1 safety study
In diligent efforts to improve osseous bridges when performing spinal fusion surgery, orthopaedists have been using harvested allograft bone for more than a century and
What happens when hospital-specified, -purchased, and -owned equipment fails? How is information about such failures distributed within the hospital and to the orthopaedic community at
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Disaster Response Management Protocol for Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery The events in Brussels this week and in Paris last November should prompt everyone in the orthopaedic community
Every month, JBJS publishes a Specialty Update—a review of the most pertinent and impactful studies published in the orthopaedic literature during the previous year in 13 subspecialties.