While anatomy is the foundation of all surgical practice, we at The Journal do not often publish an- atomic manuscripts. We make exceptions when papers
Category: Editor’s Choice
It is well known that parenterally administered steroids affect the metabolism of glucose and cause abnormal blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. For this reason,
The March 16, 2016 JBJS includes a careful incidence, treatment, and outcome analysis by Pearson et al. of CMS data regarding C2 cervical-spine fractures that
In the March 2, 2016 edition of JBJS, Rongen et al. air some dirty laundry regarding the orthopaedic community’s registering and reporting on randomized controlled
As new advances in medical technology lead to treatments for injuries and diseases, one concept that has emerged is the importance of genetic predisposition to
The study by Ramo et al. in the February 17, 2016 JBJS examines the evolution toward more aggressive operative treatment of children with isolated femoral
In the February 3, 2016 JBJS study by Joestl et al., the authors report persistent radiographic nonunions in nearly 100% of 28 geriatric patients five
“First do no harm.” Patients undergo operative procedures with the inherent belief that their surgeon will perform the operation in a safe and effective manner,
In the January 20, 2016 JBJS prognostic study by Gornet et al., patients with Workers’ Compensation (WC) insurance coverage were compared to a group not
Whenever the impact of surgeon volume on patient outcomes for technically complex interventions has been assessed, the following correlation has held: the higher the surgeon