When it comes to knowing the costs of the devices they implant, orthopaedic surgeons and residents are batting only .210 and. 170, respectively. More than
In 2009, older patients spent more than $72 billion on products that purportedly slow the aging process. That figure is expected to rise to an
Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle-bone disease, is a genetic bone disorder that stunts growth and causes bones to break easily. Doctors recently found that
At a hospital in China, doctors took a very different approach to reattaching an amputated hand. Xiao Wei lost his right hand in an industrial
Workers with health insurance coverage through several large employers including Walmart and Lowes now have the option of getting a joint replacement free of charge.
Magnetic resonance imaging has revolutionized the field of orthopaedic diagnostics, but it has until now been limited by delivering largely static images. Researchers at the
A systematic literature review in BMJ found that most British orthopaedists use hip prostheses that have a solid evidence base. However, almost one in four
Most patients with hip osteoarthritis dream of a nutritional supplement that will improve their clinical symptoms. Findings from a new study of a soybean-avocado supplement
The FDA removed the metal-implant contraindication for the Provant Therapy System, making Provant available for use in patients with metallic joint-replacement components and internal-fixation devices.
Results from a new JBJS study, Mobile Technology/Social Media Usage Among Orthopaedic Surgeons, show orthopaedic surgeons are frequent users of mobile medical apps, with seven