JBJS regularly publishes Current Concepts Review (CCR) articles, which provide concise and thorough reviews of the current literature on specific topics of interest to orthopaedic surgeons. A mainstay of trusted JBJS content, these highly popular articles play a valuable role in helping our readership stay informed of current evidence and treatment practices in orthopaedic patient care.
Interested in contributing a CCR article? JBJS welcomes proposals for high-quality articles.
CCR topics are diverse, as a glimpse of just a few recent CCR articles illustrates:
“Bone Marrow Edema: Overview of Etiology and Treatment Strategies”
“Patellar Fractures: Anatomy, Mechanics, and Surgical Management”
“Addressing Smoking in Musculoskeletal Specialty Care”
A comprehensive collection of previously published CCR articles can be found here at jbjs.org.
Authors interested in contributing a CCR article to JBJS are encouraged to submit a one- to two-page outline including author list and key references to editorial@jbjs.org for consideration.