JBJS Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marc Swiontkowski shares his thoughts on a new study showing the potential of preoperative bladder scanning to predict postoperative urinary retention in
Category: Editor’s Choice

What is the incidence of nerve palsy in infants undergoing Pavlik harness treatment for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)? Dr. Matt Schmitz, JBJS Deputy

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marc Swiontkowski offers this post on a new Level I study in JBJS evaluating the efficacy of diosmin in reducing swelling after total

In this post, Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marc Swiontkowski discusses a new study in JBJS that assesses the impact of teriparatide use in patients with osteoporosis undergoing

Dr. Matt Schmitz, JBJS Deputy Editor for Social Media, offers this post on a new study that explores whether a greater proportion of pediatric patients

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marc Swiontkowski discusses a new study in JBJS examining the effect of age on complication rates and patient-reported outcomes after total ankle arthroplasty

JBJS Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marc Swiontkowski shares this post on a new study in JBJS on outcomes of nonsurgical treatment of thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis at >5

JBJS Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marc Swiontkowski reflects on a new study examining changes in skeletal muscle mass following femoral fragility fracture. Since the early 20th century,

In this post, JBJS Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marc Swiontkowski discusses a new study on time to debridement of open femoral and tibial fractures and infection risk.

JBJS Deputy Editor for Social Media Dr. Matt Schmitz reflects on a new study evaluating postoperative complications and mortality in patients who had a recent