When and how would primary care physicians (PCPs) like to hear from orthopaedic surgeons regarding mutual patients? JBJS Deputy Editor for Social Media Matt Schmitz
“The first step in any effort to increase diversity is documenting the present state,” write Drs. Kanu Okike and Marc Swiontkowski in a new JBJS
This week on OrthoBuzz, JBJS is pleased to present another Elite Reviewer profile. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts.
In a study now published in JBJS, Bakhsheshian et al. sought to prospectively validate use of the Spinal Cord Shape Classification System (SCSCS) to identify
This week on OrthoBuzz, JBJS is pleased to present another Elite Reviewer profile. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts.
A video abstract is available with the new study by Chan et al. in JBJS: A Rapid MRI Protocol for the Evaluation of Acute Pediatric Musculoskeletal
This week on OrthoBuzz, JBJS is pleased to present another Elite Reviewer profile. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts.
In a recent article in JBJS, Escalera et al. provide an informative overview of the American Association of Latino Orthopaedic Surgeons (AALOS). Since its founding
Key findings in sports medicine on topics such as rotator cuff repair, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, and more are presented in the new JBJS
OrthoBuzz marks the 1-year anniversary of JBJS OrthoCorps, an initiative that aims to preserve the voices and memories of the global orthopaedic community. In March