When treating shoulders with a Bankart lesion that includes an osseous fragment, many orthopaedic surgeons excise the fragment while repairing the capsulolabral complex, and then
Tag: Orthopaedic
In the November 18, 2015 edition of JBJS, Lawing et al. present a well-documented cohort study comparing the outcomes of open-fracture management with local administration
A recent case-control study in Foot & Ankle International found that high-risk diabetic patients (mean age of 60) undergoing reconstructive foot and/or ankle surgery were
On Monday, Nov. 23, 2015 at 8:00 PM EDT, JBJS will host a one-hour webinar focused on managing pediatric supracondylar humeral fractures. Because supracondylar humeral
Fractures of the femoral head are uncommon. Typically associated with hip dislocations, they are found in association with high-energy trauma. They occur more commonly in
The contributions to the field of shoulder surgery from Dr. Charles Neer are too numerous to document in any one commentary. A partial list would
The rate of graft failure following anatomic ACL reconstruction has been reported to be as high as 13%, nearly double the reported failure rate of
In an ideal world, nothing would interfere with long-bone growth plates in kids and adolescents. But physes are the weakest areas of the growing skeleton
Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity (coronal, axial, and sagittal), so it makes sense that a 3-D imaging method for evaluating the condition and measuring the
Irrigation and debridement of open fractures have been standard practices since the late 1800s. However, the finer details have not been agreed upon. For example,