Many orthopaedists order cultures of tissue and synovial fluid samples during the reimplantation phase of two-stage exchange arthroplasties. Now, thanks to a retrospective study by
Tag: Orthopaedic
OrthoBuzz occasionally receives posts from guest bloggers. This guest post comes from Chad Krueger, MD, in response to an Annals of Internal Medicine study investigating
During the last two decades, we have made tremendous progress in orthopaedic surgery in terms of limiting the negative impact of surgical dissection on patient
Developmental cervical stenosis is usually asymptomatic in adults until an acute injury or degenerative soft-tissue abnormalities cause nerve compression and associated symptoms. Thus, it would
One of the newest features from JBJS Reviews is the “Team Approach” article. Team Approach articles highlight the individual and collective importance of the multiple
Despite advances in sterile techniques and evidence-based use of perioperative antibiotics, periprosthetic joint infections still occur in 1% of primary and 3% to 7% of
The ability of the small and complexly connected wrist bones to function properly supports everything from activities of daily living and work to the creation
In the July 20, 2016 issue of The Journal, Louer et al. detail the association between distal radial fractures and poor balance. We have long
In a population-based epidemiological study published in the July 6, 2016 Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Tibor et al. found that from 2007 to
OrthoBuzz regularly brings you a current commentary on a “classic” article from The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. These articles have been selected by the