JBJS is pleased once again to highlight our Elite Reviewers. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts. All JBJS reviewers help us maintain the highest standards for quality orthopaedic publishing.
Uma Srikumaran
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Years in practice: 10
How did you begin reviewing for other journals and for JBJS in particular?
I was invited by the editorial team, after submitting papers to the journal or sometimes through networking at a meeting.
What is your top piece of advice for those reviewers who aspire to reach Elite status?
1. Take the perspective of trying to make the manuscript better.
2. Just do it.
Aside from orthopaedic manuscripts, what have you been reading lately?
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
Learn more about the JBJS Elite Reviewers program.