JBJS is pleased to highlight our Elite Reviewers. The Elite Reviewers Program recognizes our best reviewers for their outstanding efforts. All JBJS reviewers help us maintain the highest standards for quality orthopaedic publishing.
Name: Jeffrey L. Stambough, MD, MBA
Affiliation: TriHealth Orthopedic and Sports Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio
Years in practice: 34 years
How did you begin reviewing for other journals and for JBJS in particular?
When I was a resident, my chairman, Carl T. Brighton, MD, encouraged us to get involved in orthopaedics and to give back. After my North American traveling fellowship, the late Dan Spengler, MD contacted me and, in the discussion, I asked to be involved in the fledgling Journal of Spinal Disorders. This was my first foray into the peer review process.
What I learned from this experience is that if you want to get involved, just ask. After gaining experience with spine journals, I volunteered to be a reviewer for JBJS. I have now been a reviewer for JBJS for about 20 years. More recently I have gotten more involved because I’ve been asked to do so.
The bottom line is that if you’re interested, fair-minded and committed, there’s an opportunity to become a peer reviewer specifically with JBJS. Just ask.
What is your top piece of advice for those reviewers who aspire to reach Elite status?
Be willing. While there may be a few perks, the bottom line is that you are interested and committed enough to do a good job. This includes but is not limited to being timely with your feedback, following a few basic rules and guidelines, and reviewing whatever you’re asked to as thoroughly as possible.
Aside from orthopaedic manuscripts, what have you been reading lately?
I frequently read The Bible.
Learn more about the JBJS Elite Reviewers program.